Final Pyramid 2012 Report to Rio+20 (and the World)

Welcome to the archive website of Pyramid 2012, the world’s first volunteer-driven, global-scale campaign to support sustainable development based on the workshop called Pyramid. Pyramid 2012 officially closed on the 31 March 2012, and the report is available by clicking here. Read how groups of volunteers from all over the world — as well as schools, universities, businesses and NGOs — organized Pyramid workshops to discuss and create action plans for sustainability issues that interested them.

What happened next: Starting in 2013, we launched a similar, global-scale, volunteer-driven campaign called Pyramid 2030. We linked that campaign to the United Nations’ process of developing global Sustainable Development Goals. We used the Pyramid workshop to get people engaged, early, in thinking about how to implement those goals once they were agreed upon and launched. In 2015, when the SDGs became reality, we closed Pyramid 2030 (read the report at the archive website) and launched a third campaign: That campaign coincided with the release of Accelerator Lite, a free version of our sustainable development tools that includes the Pyramid Lite workshop first developed for the Pyramid 2012 and Pyramid 2030 campaigns.

For more information follow the links below …

Quick Links:  Read the Pyramid 2012 workshop reports>>   Read about Pyramid 2030 >>  Visit the 17Goals campaign website >>

Welcome to Pyramid 2012!

[The following is the archive text of the original Pyramid 2012 website]

Pyramid 2012 — a global workshop event involving dozens of groups around the world — was officially launched at the Global Issues Network – GIN Manila 2012 conference. Pyramid lead developer Alan AtKisson kicked off that conference, Pyramid expert facilitator Robert Steele was there to provide support, and 20 groups of students from all over Asia built Pyramids focused on 10 different global issues.

Other groups joined and Pyramid workshops were completed in Ireland, Indonesia, Bangladesh, New York, Washington, Poland, Hungary … and the list can go on.

Pyramid 2012 was a voluntary, global-scale workshop event, (unofficially) linked to the “Rio+20” sustainability summit this year. There was no participation fee, and the door was open to all. This was part of our call for involvement during the campaign months:

  1. Sign up! When you sign up, you can tell us if you want to lead a “Pyramid” workshop in your area. Or, we’ll link you up to the nearest Pyramid 2012 event as a participant. Be sure to tell us what country you live in!
  2. Download the free “Pyramid Lite” manual and get familiar with the simple steps in the one-day process. Click here to download the workshop manual (PDF, 1.2 MB)
  3. Set a date!  We launched on 17 February 2012, but you can choose any date that works for you, up to the end of March if you want to be included in our report to the United Nations. (Pyramids after that date are also fine! But may not make it into the report …)
  4. Recruit a group of people to participate! This can be a group of students, work colleagues, friends, neighbors … whatever is appropriate to your situation. Recruit more than one!
  5. Do your Pyramid workshop … and post the results to us, via the links in the Resources section. We want your results! in words, pictures, videos, blog entries … so tell us (and the world!) what your group concluded when you built your Pyramid.

Never heard of Pyramid?  See:  What is “Pyramid”?

Want to learn more about who we are, why we’re doing this, and how it all is designed to work? See Who We Are, About and FAQ.

What’s our goal? To get people engaged, to inspire people, to generate ideas and energy for sustainability. We’ll put the results together into a wonderful report, and submit it to the UN in advance of the Rio+20 summit. More importantly, we’ll spread that report around the world, so that other people can get inspired by what you, and thousands of other people, have come up with, using Pyramid!

Again, participation in Pyramid 2012 is free. This is a volunteer-driven event. Using the free “Pyramid Lite” manual, you can plan, run, and document your whole workshop. If you want more facilitation help, or more advanced materials, just let us know, and we’ll hook you up … but you have everything you need right here.

Please note: If this is the first time you’re hearing about Pyramid 2012, it is no longer possible to organize a workshop in time for the global report.

However, you can still join our secure mailing list if you’d like to be informed about the next steps of this campaign. Let us know your opinion on Pyramid 2012 and how you’d like to be involved, in case there will be a Phase 2. Here are a few ways in which you could contribute:

  • help develop the next steps of the campaign;
  • commit to organize a Pyramid workshop at a later date;
  • put us in contact with people and organizations who might want to support this;
  • help us to spread the word about Pyramid.

Send us a message! Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

– The Pyramid 2012 Team


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